Le Lundi, 1 mars 2004, à 15:48 Europe/Zurich, Daniel Fagerstrom a écrit :

...I meant something a little bit more explicit:

<map:generate type="request"/>
<map:transform src="prepare-query-for-user-preferences"/>
<map:transform type="sql"/>
<map:store type="xml" dest="xmodule:request-attr:foo"/>
<map:call function="myFlow()">
  <map:parameter name="foo" value="{req-attr:foo}"/>
<map:generate src="xmodule:flow-attribute:bar"/>

Following the "to much magic kills the confidence"-principle, I prefer to describe exactly what happens in the sitemap.

Thanks for the clarification, and I see your point about being explicit.

...For this kind of use of flowscripts, the sendPage and sendPageAndContinue, functions should be dissabled to protect the user from confusing behaviour.

Makes sense. But couldn't the second generator
<map:generate src="xmodule:flow-attribute:bar"/>
be replaced by the flow function calling sendPage() to another pipeline, to cause less changes to the existing sitemap idioms?


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