Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Ugo Cei wrote:

Unico Hommes wrote:

I think that as a software product that is known for its innovative nature it is *very* important in the interest of Cocoon to refuse being impaired by the immobility of bureaucracratic organisations. We are having a small crisis on our hands ATM regarding our persistent store component and if I was reading Pier correctly he was willing to dedicate some time towards a solution to this problem.

One of the main attractions of the jdk 1.4 is its NIO package, and it's supposed to be a major improvement in Javas IO performance. With 1.4 being available for - what more than two years? - and 1.5 already on the horizon it is IMHO the right time to upgrade.

Since we don't have a NIO-based implementation of the persistent store, yet, why upgrade now? When we have it, I'll be more than willing to vote +1.


this is chicken-egg problem: nobody is going to implement something on 1.4-only API if they aren't sure the community is going to accept it.

We don't have to decide right now, but I think it would be good to give the signal "please go ahead and experiment if you think it makes sense, we'll judge depending on the advantages".


Agreed. But, please, somebody, [POLL] our userbase first.


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