On 2 Mar 2004, at 15:22, Christopher Oliver wrote:

Can you try reverting the rhino jar to a previous version and see if that fixes the problem? I may have introduced a regression.

Many thanks for your reply.

I picked up :


from CVS and one by one replaced rhino1.5r4-continuations-20040228.jar with them, in build/webapps/WEB-INF/lib, it made no difference.

then I tried recompiling 2.1.5-dev with rhino1.5r4-continuations-20030906.jar (in lib/core, and jar.xml). The problem is still not fixed.

To restate the basic problem :

I have 2 URLs each served by a different sub-sitemap, each loading a different (single) flowscript. Each flowscript has some common function names, eg. index(). For debugging purposes, each function outputs it's name etc. to the flow log.

load URL 1 : the correct script and function run fine
load URL 2 : the same-named function in the flowscript file for URL 1 runs.

regards Jeremy

Jeremy Quinn wrote:

Hi All

I just upgraded my copy of Cocoon to today's CVS version.

A (previously working) site that uses a lot of FlowScript has gone completely TU.

I am getting a lot of this :

org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Function "javascript:album()" not found

Where it worked before the update.

But stranger still, while I was doing some testing, I got an error that said that a script that was not even referred to by the current pipeline, did not contain the function I was calling !!!!!!

Do what ?!?

Have there been some changes to the FlowScript infrastructure that could result in the wrong FlowScript file being used under certain circumstances?

I have several flowscripts, used independently by different Sub-SiteMaps, that have the same function names. The first SiteMap I invoke, works (does not matter which one) all subsequent invocations of pipelines with similar (but different) FlowScripts fail.

Any ideas anyone?

regards Jeremy

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