Joerg Heinicke wrote:

Vadim Gritsenko <vadim <at>> writes:

I would think for the same reason one would otherwise wd:output instead
of wd:field. In this case one would however need a wd:multivalueOutput

Yes, but why not type=output?

because an output widget doesn't read its value from the request. With a
normal (multivalue)field widget, the value can always be modified by
adding the appropriate request parameters.

Aha. Now this makes sense. +1 to multivalueoutput

Instead of adding an additional output widget for every type of existing widgets
would it not make more sense to add an attribute or additional element to the
existing widgets similar to the binding's direction="load"?

How would that work for <wd:multivalue> field? I guess it would then become <wi:output> with multiple nested <wi:value>s. But what attribute / element are you suggesting?


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