I thought about the same like you, Ugo.

But Tim has a very valid point here:
Try searching goolge for 'forms' and then for 'cforms'

Ugo Cei wrote:
Marc Portier wrote:

another +1 to 'cforms' over 'forms'

Doesn't the "c" stand for "Cocoon"? If it does, I find it somewhat redundant, especially in a package name: org.apache.cocoon.forms == org.apache.cocoon.cocoon.forms?

And what if someday we develop a new forms framework, do we call it "dforms"? ;-)

I propose to use just "forms" as the block name, "Cocoon Forms" in the docs, and do a s/woody/forms/ in the package names and namespaces.

Just MHO,


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