Am Mo, den 29.03.2004 schrieb Reinhard Pötz um 21:17:
> I tried out the new examples but I got the error below. I use eclipse to 
> build Cocoon which compiles the classes into WEB-INF/classes.
> Any ideas?
> org.apache.bcel.verifier.exc.StructuralCodeConstraintException: Instruction 
> INVOKESTATIC constraint violated: Class 
> '' is referenced, but cannot be 
> loaded and resolved: 'VERIFIED_REJECTED
> Number of LocalVariableTable attributes of Code attribute '<CODE>' (method 'static 
> void <clinit>()') exceeds number of local variable slots '0' ('There may be no more 
> than one LocalVariableTable attribute per local variable in the Code attribute.').
> '.

I had a similar problem some time ago, but can't reproduce this now. I
think you have somethere an old bcel archieve. For example the IBM JRE
comes with BCEL within xalan :-/ 

I think it a bug in the Pass2 verifier, which checks, if more local
variables used than registered. I believe the author set the brace
wrong, see
I will talk to the author, but he has currently the problem that the ASF
hasn't a signed CLA of him, so, he got no access to the CVS. 

The other problem is that the ContinuationClassLoader shouldn't analyse
the Continuation class.

I didn't manage to remove all verifier code, because then I must change
to many things in bcel.


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