Am Mo, den 29.03.2004 schrieb Antonio Gallardo um 22:35:
> Stephan Michels dijo:
> > Ahh I forget to say that the examples depend on jdo.jar :-/ I wanted to
> > rewrite the example to use the OJB classes only, but didn't make it
> > until now.
> >
> > The exception is somehow confusing, see
> > "'org.apache.cocoon.ojb.jdo.components.JdoPMF' is referenced, but cannot
> > be loaded"
> Is there a posibility to check if the jdo.jar's are avaliable? We do this
> in the build.xml of Cocoon. This is why if you don't have the jdo.jar you
> are able to build cocoon.

The OJB folks use following snippet in their build file:
<condition property="jdo.classes">
    <available classname="javax.jdo.PersistenceManager" 

<target name="check-jdo-classes" unless="jdo.classes">
  <fail>jdo.jar is missing! Please get it from Put 
it in lib or have the ant property jdo.jars point at this jar file.</fail>

I rewrote the example now. I'm really not a OJB expert, nor a database expert.
I made this example to learn more about OJB and JDO, and I didn't get the
"insert" method work properly.


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