On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 12:24:55AM +0200, Marc Portier wrote:
> Hi all,
> Long due, but here goes...
> Over time our RepeaterBinding has been reported as behaving 'odd' and as 
> 'not expected', in the best cases some argumentation could bend those 
> into 'unobvious'...
> The brave among us probably just patch the beast or make their own 
> 'SimpleRepeaterBinding' and go on with their job...

Marc, could you also consider the "virtual rows" concept that is shown
in the TempRepeaterBinding? You can look at the Form Model GUI to see
how it is used. I do not care what it is called, and if you have a
better solution I am all ears.


--Tim Larson

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