Antonio suggested (and Bertrand/Unico also elaborated on this):

> > We're getting some sporadic strange errors that might be due to
> > concurrency
> > issues between different users, and I was wondering if there are any known
> > bugs outstanding in 2.1.4 for this kind of thing?
> The problem can be the cache system:

Just a thought....if I have the following specified in my cocoon.xconf 

<transient-store logger="">
        <parameter name="maxobjects" value="@transient_object_cache_size@"/>
        <parameter name="use-persistent-cache" value="false"/>
<store logger="">
        <parameter name="maxobjects" value="@generic_object_cache_size@"/>
        <parameter name="use-persistent-cache" value="false"/>

Note: @xxx@ values are substituted using an Ant deploy script, so ignore that 

With both having use-persistent-cache set to false, does that mean that JISP 
(the default persistent caching mechanism in 2.1.4) will never be called, and 
thus the concurrency errors should never manifest?

Or do I need to also do something to my persistent store config settings, 
which currently look like:

<persistent-store logger="">
        <parameter name="use-cache-directory" value="true"/>
        <parameter name="order" value="2701"/>

An aside...what the heck is the "order" value anyway?

Much appreciate any insight on this, since we don't need persistent caching 
for our production application, and this might be a "quick fix" for a very 
vexing and difficult to reproduce problem.

Thanks all!

Andrzej Jan Taramina
Chaeron Corporation: Enterprise System Solutions

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