On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 04:57:23PM +0200, Torsten Curdt wrote:
> ...or slightly modified
> build core            // core only
> build stable          // core + stable blocks
> build unstable        // core + stable + unstable blocks
> build full            // core + stable + unstable blocks +
>                       // deprecated blocks
> build stable webapp   // core + stable blocks + webapp
> build unstable webapp // core + stable blocks + unstable + webapp
> build full webapp     // core + stable blocks + unstable +
>                       // deprecated blocks + webapp
> build webapp          // =build stable webapp
> build                 // =build stable webapp
> Although I won't exspect the inclusions from the
> target names. I'd exspect "build unstable" to build
> the unstable blocks *only*.

We could make it more like a debian APT source list, eg:
  build core
  build stable
  build unstable
  build deprecated
  build core stable deprecated
  build stable unstable
  build core stable custom=some-file
Just list the parts you want to build at the moment.

--Tim Larson

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