Leon Widdershoven wrote:

- move to a generator approach.

Do you mean generator-only approach? I think that would limit the options of the users quite a bit (and I am one of those). I actually like the pipeline
approach so that you can build your XML tree dynamically; if one would move
to a generator only approach other generator-only functionalities (xsp, though
that appears to be deprecated) can not really be used anymore.

As you notice I am not well enough at home in cocoon core matters to really have an opinion, but two months ago when I started using cocoon (and I am working full time with cocoon-2.1.4) the fact that the xsp was a generator only brought me a lot of trouble so I have a bit of a phobia about that.

Sylvain is not proposing to scrap pipelining, just to merge a couple of stages. At present, in CForms, you can have:


What is being proposed is to use JXMacros in JXTemplateGenerator to implement the functionality of the FormTransformer, so you get:


So, hopefully this scares you less. The template that is being worked with is very much an XML one - XML to HTML transformation remains steadfastly with XSLT.

Hope that helps.


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