Stefano Mazzocchi dijo:
> I don't blame flow to be simple, I blame java to be less usable! We have
> to fix that to compensate and our problems will be drasticly reduced
> because people don't like to write business logic in scripting languages!

Good point Stefano. Last week, while discussing about h13y:

Now we are discussing again, what Cocoon is and how the user don't need to
compile and don't know Java at all.....

I saw the same problem again:

"While rethinking a requirement because the complexity to develop it under
a specific programming language."

At that time I refrained my self to post this questions:

"Is it problem of h13y requirement or a problem related to our choiced
programming language?"
"Are we reaching the limits of Java? Is out there another language options?"

This questions will raise ranting, because really "touch" a cornerstone
Cocoon block base (in this case the programming language) in a sensitive
way. But if we want to have more than what Java can provide us, we need to
start thinking what is the best for Cocoon too. Can Cocoon live beyond
Java? Cocoon life depend on Java?

I don't know what to expect in Java 1.5. I just hope we can think about
this and expect that the future Java release will make our life easier. On
the other way, I believe other projects meet the same Java limits like
Cocoon now. How they solved it?

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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