On 20.04.2004 20:39, Guido Casper wrote:

That's interesting. Would you care to explain to me what the difference between a DB transaction and an object transaction is?

DB transactions are the normally known transactions and about atomicity of multiple sql statements put together. Object level transactions ensure atomicity of all changes done on an object and possible dependencies:

"The ODMG API uses object-level transactions, compared to the PersistenceBroker dat abase-level transactions. An ODMG Transaction instance contains all of the changes made to the object model within the context of that transaction, and will not commit them to the database until the ODMG Transaction is committed. At that point it will use a database transaction to ensure atomicity of its changes." [1]


[1] http://www.google.de/search?q=cache:BIZvd92HVDkJ:db.apache.org/ojb/odmg-tutorial.html+site:db.apache.org+%22object+level%22+transaction&hl=de&ie=UTF-8

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