<xi:include href="test2.xml#xmlns(my=http://localhost/my)xpointer(/page/content/my:abc/*)"/>

If you to implement a patch allowing to do:


Then I'd happily apply it. Under one condition: old URIs without namespaces / xpointers should still work.

OK. I'm currently trying to use the XPointerFramework that is used by the XIncludeTransformer, mainly because I don't think it would be correct to rewrite a parser. However the framework is very tied to the idea of processing on the cocoon side whereas I need the processing to be done by the XMLDB. I'm trying to spoof the required behaviour but I'm not sure I should be doing this.

What do people think? Should I fix the XPointerFramework so that the XPointerParts returned by the Parser do not the processing? Should I reimplement the framework for the XMLDBSource? Or should I carry on with my spoofing attempt?

My spoofing idea was to the hack together a context, manager and processor and make them interact with the database transparently to the Framework. In that when the context has prefixes added it sends them to the XPathQueryService of the XMLDB, and when the XPointerPart calls the XPathProcessor, it actually speaks to the database returning the obvious parts. (A similar idea was to get the XPathProcessor to throw an exception/or just to return null, and then I could ask the processor what the XPointer wanted.)

Any ideas?


"Absinthe makes the hog Jane Fonda"

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