Marc Portier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asks:

> Hi all,
> I just checked in an update for one of our cforms samples 
> that reveals a 
> somewhat nasty visual presentation of the nice calendar widget we use
> please update, build, start cocoon and check over with: 
> http://localhost:8888/samples/blocks/forms/for> m1.flow
> then 
> click the calendar icon next to the 'birthday' 
> field
> if placed just above a (multi-line) selection list (like done 
> now) the 
> calendar popup seems to be kept behind that selection list...
> anyone that has a clue what is causing this?

If it's with IE then there's a bug associated with IE's handling of Z
order for selection lists that might be the problem.  Try something
like: = N;

Where "object" is the thing being obscured and N is either 1 or some
large number, depending on which way the bug is showing up...

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