Bruno Dumon wrote:

On Sun, 2004-04-25 at 15:10, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Marc Portier wrote:


Sorry for the massive commit, however when walking around the code it only looked like the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

Sorry for the delay, but, as we say here "later is better than never"!

mieux vaut tard que jamais! (had to cheat for this one, you don't want to see my first attempt ;-)

:-) This translation is the right one. I'm always amazed to see that French is a foreign language for you and Marc, whose names sound so much more frenchy that many french people's name, including mine ;-)

And I would add:

10/ Split generateSAXFragment() into startSAXFragment() and endSAXFragment(), which will make it so much easier on the view side to handle custom SAX fragments for container widgets and embedding of the <wi:styling>.


What do you have in mind with the "custom SAX fragments for container widgets"?

Well "custom" has to be understood as "widget-specific", i.e. a union will output something different than a repeater.

For now, markup production for container widgets has to be handled on the view side since the single "generateSAXFragment" cannot take into account the nested template included into the widget reference.

This makes me think that we could even use <ft:widget> for repeaters instead of <ft:repeater-widget>. The word "repeater" doesn't bring much value IMO.

Note that I'd like also that <wi:styling> could be written in the definition also, as defining the styling in the widget definition can be a productivity boost with widget repositories!

Should be trivial to store this in the form definition.

Yep. But this brings some namespace-related questions: "styling" is obviously in the instance namespace ("fi"), but if we introduce some "fi:" in the definition, what about "label"? The CForms machinery does nothing with it except copying it in the template output, so we may consider moving it also to the "fi" namespace.



Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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