Bruno Dumon wrote:

I saw the following template in forms-field-styling.xsl:

     | fi:booleanfield with @type 'output' : rendered as text
 <xsl:template match="fi:booleanfield[fi:styling/@type='output']">
     <xsl:when test="fi:value = 'true'">

And was wondering what people are using this for? Or how this can
possibly do something meaningful?

The problem I see is that if a booleanfield is not present on the
request, it will always be reset to false. So I'd rather remove this
template then giving people the false impression this might work.

It worked just fine for all those pages were you just need to output value of the widget and don't need to read it. Also, this template works in combination with i18n:

<i18n:text><wt:widget id="myboolean"><wi:styling type="output" /></wt:widget></i:text>


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