I'm using the latest cvs version (2.1.5-dev), the cocoon-forms block and
the jetty from the cocoon cvs.
The only thing I can't get working right is the character encoding of the
submited parameters of a html form.

I've set all settings I've found to utf-8 (web.xml, cocoon.xconf,
java.encoding, ...).

The display of the html form works fine, Mozilla's page info has all
encodings set to UTF-8 and all characters are displayed correctly
(including the umlauts from the utf-8 encoded xml file, the form is based

If I use umlauts in the html form and submit the data, the result page is
displayed with wrong characters.

At the moment I think following is happening (only a guess).
The browser takes the form data and creates an utf-8 encoded text, This
utf-8 encode text is submited to the jetty servlet engine. Jetty takes
this text as IS0-8859-1, without transformation from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1.
In the java class (in which I store the data into a utf-8 encoded xml
file) the text is tranformed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. The result is a
messed up character encoding.

Is there a way araound this? or I'm missing something?

I've the same problem with the samples (e.g. Registration) of the forms
block. The first screenshot is before, the second after pressing the
submit button.


<<attachment: screenshot1.png>>

<<attachment: screenshot2.png>>

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