Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Anna Bikkina dijo:


I have a xml file that contains database rows. If the number of rows are
greater than 5000 then cocoon fails to tranform them to html and display
them. It gives a blank page with no errors.

Has anyone experienced this before? Is there a way I can  make cocoon
better with big xml.?


Cocoon can manage it. Please check your catalina.out to see if there is a
"Out Of Memory error"  If this is the case, then you need to allow your
servlet container (Tomcat, jetty, etc.) use more memory. I managed to
transform some files with more than 10,000 rows.

If you don't have any error in catalina.out, then there is no error and
maybe the browser is taking a lot of time to render the page:

If we generate a big HTML file with a lot of rows. It generates a lot of
<td> tags and the browse need to calculate how to render this huge table
and that is the cause of the apparently long delay in the response.

BTW, you can see the Cocoon response time in /WEB-INF/logs/access.log
file. The rest of the time is used by the browser to render the page.

Hmmm, Anna is right to report the problem though. I mean, why in hell an OutOfMemoryException get swollen like that?


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