Bruno Dumon wrote:

On Fri, 2004-05-28 at 16:28, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi dijo:

Hmmm, Anna is right to report the problem though. I mean, why in hell an
OutOfMemoryException get swollen like that?

Not sure. I don't think we are swollen the exception in this case. But I
am not the best knowledge to tell that. ;-)

What I can said is: we have an application running since Cocoon 2.0.3 and
has being updated on each Cocoon version to 2.1..5 and it works fine. We
render some reports to excel, html and pdf with more than 5,000 rows.

I did experience the same "white page" error before and I feel that was an OutOfMemoryException due to the JPEG thumbnail code (I was creating 20 thumbnails at the same time from 4 megapixel images... I guess the JVM heap was going insane).

So, let's use heuristics here: did anybody ever see an OutOfMemoryException in an cocoon error page? I haven't.

Did you ever get a white page in cocoon that went away after one or two reloads? I did.


It is because it is an OutOfMemoryError, not an Exception. Currently Errors are not catched by Cocoon.

There has been a discussion thread about this in the past, I don't
remember if any consensus was reached about what how we want to treat

IIRC, we found that OutOfMemoryError was special and could be catched by Cocoon, as it can potentially occur in the processing of pipelines that normally succeed, either will smaller documents or less concurrent users.

Other errors (NoClassDefFound, StackOverflow etc) should not be handled by Cocoon


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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