Antonio Gallardo wrote:
> Perez Carmona, David dijo:
> >
> > Here is the license of MSV (I don't know too much about licenses, but it
> > doesn't seem too restrictive):
> >
> <snip>
> > You acknowledge that Software is not designed,licensed or intended for
> > use  in the  design,  construction, operation  or  maintenance of  any
> > nuclear facility.
> Of course I am not working in any similar. But, this a restriction that
> AFAIK any AL have. In that way it breaks our license.

That was the clause that made me worried.

David showed us the license.txt that comes with the distribution.
There is also the copyright.txt which looks to me like it prevents.

It is the usual stuff about their patents, suppliers patents,
not reproducing without written permission, includes stuff licensed
from their suppliers, ...

So it seems to me that we cannot re-distribute MSV.


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