IIRC, last first friday we had a chat with Carsten about adding an attribute to the <handle-errors/> or to the <pipeline/> which will indicate what behavior is needed in case of internal request: throw exception or process <handle-errors/>. Carsten?

Sounds like a good plan. In fact I think it would be a good default behavior but anyway.

Yes, nothing of that is implemented yet. The discussion started
because of internal redirects.
Now, in general the error handlers are never called for internal
requests - that was a design decision. Starting with 2.1.5 we
have one exception, internal redirects, so if you do a <map:redirect-to uri="cocoon:/something"/> then - and only then -
the error handler of the internal pipeline is called.


Well, it clarifies... ;) Thanks!

...but - I think we definitely need a way to handle errors
inside internal pipeline calls! Otherwise there is just no
way to handle errors in an aggregation appropriately.

I am happy to do it ...if there are no objections.

But where to place it? I reckon we either need to make
the interal pipeline calls go through the same hook
inside the treeprocessor or move the error handling
further down into the pipeline code.



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