Sjur Nørstebø Moshagen wrote:

På 9. jul. 2004 kl. 13.12 skrev Upayavira:

This way it is possible for the subsequent i18n processing to cater for country-(or whatever)-specific requirements in menus etc. without the document itself necessarily being adjusted for such variation.

Then, we can have {matched-locale} being the one that was actually matched, e.g. ru_EE, {full-locale} being the full, original locale that caused the match, e.g. ru_EE-KOI8. That's easy, it is just a question of chosing decent names.

Why do you named it {full-locale}, not simply {locale}.

2) What happens if the locale of the returned document is not available in the rest of the i18n chain? There are at least two possible solutions:
- just use the default locale
- provide in {locale} not only the returned locale of the document, but the whole list of preferred locales _from the document match on_. In the example above that would have given:

Making various bits of the locale available would allow the site developer handle this as they please. {lang}, {locale}, {encoding}, etc, etc as well as the above.

I guess the full list would be: {lang}, {country}, {encoding}, {variant}, {full-locale}, {matched-locale}. {locale} could be a shorthand for {full-locale}.

This list should be compatible with LocaleAction: language (not lang), country, variant.

{locale} = de_AU, sv_FI, ru_EE-KOI8

That would be {locales}

Excellent! Do we want/need to also provide the complete, unabbrigded list of request locales, e.g {all-locales}? And further: we need to check that the existing i18n transformer is given what it expects when giving it more than one locale.

Site default locale is defined within the config of the matcher at the top of the sitemap. It could easily be overridden with a <map:parameter name="default-locale" value="xxxx"/> within the matcher itself.


If no default is given, it should defaults to empty locale.

Thanks. I'm glad to have got this one off the ground, at last, and to have at last worked out a way that isn't just way too complicated for sitemap developers to understand.

With this in place, Cocoon can finally claim full support for i18n;)

Well, you can do it even today, but sitemap snippet for this would be rather large.


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