Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:


Result, I'm -1 on Spring because we can't control it and -0.5 on Merlin/Fortress/Geronimo because they are other communities with other interests.

I say we write our stuff and be done with it once and forever.

My opinion is that what refrains us to move is that the container
contract is deeply engraved in every component in our code base.
Whatever solution we choose, we must take greate care to hide as much as
possible the chosen container in the lower levels layers of the Cocoon
system. Higher level layers, those hosting user-written components,
should be POJOs, using whatever IoC type 2/3 container best suits our needs.

Now what should be that container? I share your fears about "foreign"
containers. Avalon already did much harm, and it is inside the ASF.
Spring currently looks like a friendly project, both socially and
technically, but what if its direction evolves to something that's
incompatible with our needs?

Or we can have this layered architecture allowing end-user components
(those defined by a block) to be hosted in pluggable containers. AFAIU,
this is what is allowed by the Spring MBean in Geronimo.


Sylvain Wallez                                  Anyware Technologies 
{ XML, Java, Cocoon, OpenSource }*{ Training, Consulting, Projects }

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