Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Tony Collen wrote:

Corin Moss wrote:

I guess if you'd
really like a Groovy based sitemap declaration, then existing XML
sitemaps could be pre-parsed into Groovy?

Ugo and I were just talking about this on IRC. There's pretty much a 1-1 correspondence with the sitemap and the proposed syntax. We were bouncing ideas off each other and he came up with the idea of doing

Sitemap XML -> XSLT -> Groovy Syntax

Why stop half way and live with one more interpreter's penalty? Convert straight to Java - works faster and less memory consumption!
And we are back on square one ;-P


there is a huge difference between "transform it one to move on" and "transform it every time".

The XML syntax makes sense only when you want to process the sitemap iteself via pipeline (for example, to generate an SVG poster of it via XSLT)

And makes sense if you want to prevent people from adding scripting inside the pipelines (well, actions are kinda like scripting aren't they)

but other then that...


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