Il giorno 13/ott/04, alle 11:35, Luca Garulli ha scritto:

Why don't use JDO for the persistence? JDO allows to Daisy to be
datastore independent. So you can run Daisy on top of an ODBMS or
RDBMS or again the file system.

Probably because everyone has his own likes and dislikes when it comes to accessing data stores, so while JDO might be fine with you, others may prefer OJB, Hibernate, Cayenne, iBatis, straight JDBC or something entirely different. Even if you decided to adopt JDO, you would have to find a reasonably performant, stable, opensource implementation. Preferably of JDO 2, since I wouldn't actually recommend any JDO 1 implementation to anyone.


Ugo Cei -

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