On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 15:17:37 +0200, Ugo Cei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Il giorno 13/ott/04, alle 11:35, Luca Garulli ha scritto:
> > Why don't use JDO for the persistence? JDO allows to Daisy to be
> > datastore independent. So you can run Daisy on top of an ODBMS or
> > RDBMS or again the file system.
> Probably because everyone has his own likes and dislikes when it comes
> to accessing data stores, so while JDO might be fine with you, others 
> may prefer OJB, Hibernate, Cayenne, iBatis, straight JDBC or something
> entirely different. Even if you decided to adopt JDO, you would have to
> find a reasonably performant, stable, opensource implementation.

This is the point. Using JDO allow you to switch the JDO
implementation and obviously repository without lock to a product!!!
Isn't enought?

I don't speak about product preference. I'm talking of STANDARD. JDO

> Preferably of JDO 2, since I wouldn't actually recommend any JDO 1
> implementation to anyone.

I know that JDO 2 has much more features than JDO 1, but better JDO 1
than a custom product or (another) custom-own implementation.

Luca Garulli
(the light ODBMS, all in one JDO solution)

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