Il giorno 14/ott/04, alle 04:20, Niclas Hedhman ha scritto:

A Cocoon Pojo will not be easier to use outside the Cocoon
environment than today's set of components are, since there are so many other
things that needs to happen.

Just to clarify: _no_one_ is thinking about using Cocoon components outside Cocoon. But if your components have no dependencies on the container, you get two things:

1. You can move them to a different container more easily, assuming the new container provides the same set of basic services as the old. This is not the case today.
2. Testability.

As for your other points, which are certainly worth considering, I'm not replying to them since I don't want to start a war of religion of the kind "my container is better than yours". I'll just point out that at the Hackathon we reached some kind of consensus between people who are prepared to do some work or that have already done some work (see the kernel and butterfly attempts). Now it's time to JFDI (Just Fscking Do it).


Ugo Cei -

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