Ugo Cei wrote:

Il giorno 14/ott/04, alle 18:09, Vadim Gritsenko ha scritto:

Other question I have is what we are going to do with the component base we developed and depend on which currently resides in excalibur repository. Should those be copied into Cocoon repository (and springified as needed?)?

Things like the SourceResolver, you mean? I have already "springified" it and put it (or at least a simplified version of it) here: org/apache/butterfly/source/

Actually, I don't like the term "springified". I'd rather say POJO-ified, since it has just one dependency upon Spring's ApplicationContext (which is needed to resolve paths relative to a context's base directory). Maybe there's a way to eliminate even that one, but I just did the simplest possible implementation.

This is also meant as a response to Stefano's concerns about depending on an alien framework. Once again, I am trying to show that, once you have swallowed the Dependency-Injection kool-aid, your components have very limited dependencies on the framework, or even none at all. So we can design generators, transformers, serializers, etc. that can be deployed _today_ in any existing DI container, and tomorrow in our own container that is designed specifically and optimized for our needs, without rewriting a single line of code! If you take a look at the sitemap components that are now in Butterfly, you will find exactly ZERO dependencies on Spring. And they work, even if in a simplified scenario, but you can get a fscking HTML response from the Butterfly servlet using a generator-transformer-serializer pipeline NOW. Admittedly, it's more of a proof of concept than a usable thing (there's no caching, no sitemap processor, etc.) but it shows it can be done.

I could have started by doing my own container (after all, it's not rocket science, right?) and today I would be nowhere near where I am, given the copious free time I have available. Or I could have used the best DI container around and got some real work done. What would have you done in my place?

All right, do-ocracy wins.

Now, let's make it happen.


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