
On 18/5 Joerg asked a question about invalid content length errors[1] due to
readers. There is also a bug that is somewhat related[2], but it seems to be

I have the following case :

  generator    reader
      |          |
  validator .. dtd

In this case the reader sets the content-length, and the serializer doesn't. So
if the length of the serializer's output is greater than that of the dtd, output
is incomplete.
Althoug a quick fix is not to get the dtd through a reader, I'm sure there are
cases where that isn't a solution. 
I didn't post this as a bug, yet, because I am not sure whether this is just
unintended use of the reader. 
Also, I can't quite get my mind around what's the best way to solve this. Joerg
suggested in his original mail[1] to build some awareness in to the reader to
see if it is called as a cocoon-source or not. Another possible solution would
be setting content-length from all serializers, although Carsten suggests in the
closing of the bug that content-length can not be set repeatedly. 

OTOH I tried to reproduce this behaviour by getting an XSL through a reader,
like so:

      <map:match pattern="read.xsl">
        <map:read src="tiny.xsl"/>

      <map:match pattern="readtest.xml">
        <map:generate src="sitemap.xmap"/>
        <map:transform type="xslt" src="cocoon:/read.xsl"/>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>

But apparently the xsl-transformer doesn't like that.

Any thoughts?



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