Le 20 oct. 04, à 16:43, Ralph Goers a écrit :

I like that a lot as it should guarantee the correct source. Assuming a
project is using SVN of course....

The same is true with CVS, as discussed before [1]

Even if the CVS snapshot cannot be done against a specific CVS tag, a snapshot using "cvs export -D" is reproducible, especially if you take yesterday's date as the value for -D (so as to avoid changes that might occur on the same day after you do the snapshot).


[1] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=107623777012891&w=2

Nicola Ken Barozzi said:

In fact AFAIK we had decided that we had to keep the sources only if the
source was not easy to get. We can simply append the SVN version of the
snapshot used to build, and it should be a snap to get the corresponding


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