Good comments by Bertrand and David, so I'll integrate them in the original
text to get a better idea of the end result.

How to get listed

If you do not find your site here, make sure you tell us. 
Please follow the instructions below, or we will not be able 
to honor your request. 
- Create an entry in Bugzilla following these instructions. You will find an
example here [[link to sample entry]]:

- select the usual options for submitting a patch.
- Enter a summary like this: [Link] NameOfYourSite
- In the comments, please answer the following questions:
URL of the website:
Title of the website (to be used on the Livesites page):
Cocoon version used:
Short summary of your site:

How can we verify this site is actually built with Cocoon?

If you agree, answering the following questions helps potential Cocoon users
to find
references that are similar to their needs. But there's no obligation if you
don't want to
disclose that kind of information.

- How much time did it take to build the site from design to publish?
- How many people were involved in the project?
- How much traffic does the site handle?
- What made you choose Cocoon to build the site?
- What other information do you want to disclose (e.g. how does it work, how
did you build it, what parts of Cocoon did you use)?

Thank you for helping spread the word about Cocoon!

Bye, Helma

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