hi grek

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello gounis,
> > so in a scenario where we have more than one directory for forms
> > (more than one sitemap.xmap) then we need multiple copies of mattkruse-lib
> > so is it better to have a common place for this library files or not ?
> > if those files are in a cocoon's common place we dont need a selective 
> > "javascript import" mechanism in .xsl
> I'm not sure what you mean. Multiple copies of cforms resources (including
> mattkruse-lib) would be solution for relative urls?
in our forms samples:

dreamteam sample has its own resources directory. so if this sample 
require a date picker, then a copy of mattkruse-lib must be placed in this 
recources directory.

if the mattkruse-lib was in /webapp/stylesheets all sub-sitemaps will be 
able to access those files.

> Selective "javascript import" is useful for reducing loading unnecessary
> resources. It was the reason for improving xsls.
for this perspetive i have just to agree with you 


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