Hi all,

Over in the Forrest world, we've stumbled across an issue with the Cocoon CLI. It appears that the CLI requires that the context directory (--contextDir option to the cocoon cli) be writable by the CLI process.
For reference, see http://issues.cocoondev.org//browse/FOR-356

The Use Case
This applies to any Cocoon CLI based application that can be run as a servlet as well. I'll just use Forrest as the example case.

Forrest is installed on a multiuser system with the intent that multiple users will be running the application.

The Problem
User runs "forrest run" which runs Forrest in a local servlet container (jetty) as a live application. This works just fine.

User runs "forrest site" which uses the Cocoon CLI and is presented with a Cocoon error about the context directory not being readable/writable. The context directory is certainly readable. It is not writable tho.

The stack-trace is as follows:
ERROR 2004-11-11 18:32:20.353 [ ] (): Directory '.' is not readable/writable
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Directory '.' is not
at org.apache.cocoon.Main.main(Main.java:320)

The Question
Since the local servlet instance works fine with the context directory being non-writable, I'm wondering if there is some requirement that the context directory is writable when running the Cocoon CLI?

If the answer is "no, there is no requirement that the context directory is writable by the Cocoon CLI", I'll open an issue in bugzilla and provide a patch. (I'm hoping this is the case since making the context directory for Cocoon writable to all users doesn't leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling. :)

Rick Tessner

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