Le 17 nov. 04, à 23:51, Ugo Cei a écrit :

...Actually we have two anteater tests failing: the second one does not appear unless you set anteater.option.haltonerror = false in local.build.properties. Would it be possible to set it when running the automated tests? Anyway, here's the failure:

[foreach] webdav-step3.xml:93: Running test [XPath: select /html/body/form/p/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'title']/@value, pattern Content B] Failure: file:/home/ugo/workspace/cocoon-2.1/build/cocoon-2.1.6-dev/test/ anteater/webdav-step3.xml:93: XPath /html/body/form/p/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'title']/@value: expected pattern 'Content B', got 'Title changed by anteater step3 test'.
[foreach] ... done (12ms)
[foreach] webdav-step3.xml:91: Finished http://localhost:8888///samples/blocks/webdav/step3/repo/dir2/ contentB.xml (17ms)..

hmm.. are you testing on macosx and seeing this sometimes only?

I've seen such things on macosx sometimes, not sure if it's this same test but I've had some anteater tests fail sometimes, and pass if running the tests again shortly after. It looked like a weird timing problem, didn't investigate further.


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