> I do not know how auth-fw works. Still this looks for me like the 
> problem occurs when you resume continuations. Shouldn't you wrap your 
> <map:call continuation="{1}"/> with some auth-fw action?

Sounds plausible, but I have no clue what the correct syntax should be. How
do I mix the following:

<map:match pattern="**news.html">
   <map:call function="isLoggedIn">
      <map:parameter name="handler" value="flowAuthenticationHandler"/>
        <map:parameter name="protected-internal" value="general/news.form"/>
        <map:parameter name="failure-redirect" value="login"/>


<map:match pattern="*.continue">
   <map:call continuation="{1}"/>

In other words: how do I wrap the 'call function="isLoggedIn"' around the
'call continuation'?


Bye, Helma

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