David Crossley wrote:

I'll do that too, if I can get Forrest to work. Unfortunately the above link doesn't entirely make sense.

Would you please explain that obscure comment. Let us all help to fix the instructions then.

Sorry, wasn't trying to be cryptic - I was referring to the wiki instructions. I have already started to update it, but want to understand things a bit more before I do so. But, in the name of openness, here's some of the stuff I've struggled with on this wiki page so far: http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/CocoonWebsiteUpdate

In part, I think it could do with more explanation as to why to do things certain ways, e.g. 0.5 will give you strange artefacts on your pages, whilst Cocoon's docs will need to be upgraded to work with 0.6. In fact, it suggests using a "stable" forrest, such as 0.5. That could imply that 0.6 is okay, which it isn't.

Also, it says run "build site". Not sure if there actually is a "site" target though.

Then, it makes no reference to the cocoon-site module, which actually doesn't have a build process of its own, so you'll need to use Forrest directly there, I suspect.

Also, when I did run Forrest, I really had to dig to find the generated pages, whereas I would have expected them to have been generated "in place", i.e. into the place from which I'd commit them directly to SVN.

Then, the page says "copy jimi-1.0.jar into lib/core in Forrest. But Forrest only has lib/endorsed and lib/optional.

Those are some of the problems I had with the wiki page.

I'll keep plugging on until I've got it working here, and will make sure any lessons appear here and on the wiki.

Regards, Upayavira

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