Hmm that does work for me. I'm using Cocoon 2.1.6-dev (from August 8th,
if I'm correct) for that.

I thought it was a configuration error on my side when I wanted to use
two catalogues (like you, use the forms catalogue to stay up to date),
but it didn't work so I simply copied the contents to my own catalogue.

Another thing about my configuration: my I18n transformer is declared
almost in the root sitemap, so that my whole application is using that
configured transformer (so I have to define the catalogue locations only
once). I don't think it should make any difference anyway.

> Hi Bart,
> This is a problem, as I always use more than one catalogue :)
> I like to rely on the built-in catalogue for generic validation
> messages, so that I am always up to date with changes to CForms, and
> own catalogue for form-specific labels, hints, help, titles etc.
> Anyway, I tried copying the contents of FormsMessages.xml to my own
> catalogue and it still did not work.
> regards Jeremy

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