On Dec 4, 2004, at 8:19 AM, Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
With that said, a usable taglib-driven system already exists. Jelly. If you need taglibs, go with that. No need to re-invent something different in cocoon.

Both I and Carsten have tried to use Jelly in Cocoon but the fit isn't that good. See our posts in http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=109932680200001&r=1&w=2.

Ah, I missed that thread :)

I have Jelly working pretty well in Cocoon. You can modify the JellyContext to take a Source object and use that to create the template. And the templates are thread-safe, its just that each template invocation will require a new JellyContext object.

There are a few edges where usages of URL could be replaced with Source, but not that many.

The implementation is just a few adapter classes and works great! I'm happy to share with anyone interested in pursuing this further.

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