Leszek Gawron wrote:
Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Leszek Gawron wrote:
We also need:
- some script compiler directives i.e. for cache control (as in JXTG)
 > Seem reasonable, sugest some mechanism.

<ignore do="processingInstruction( 'cache-key', $cacheKey )"/> if we want the directive to remove element at which it was declare. Or we could pass processing instructions at page root (or any element) if the element would stay in the template.

What will the $cacheKey typically be? Can you give an example or a pointer to the docu or discussion about how it work in JXTG?

<tr do="macro(singleRowContent,context);omitTag(true)">

Fine by me. The only concern is the performance here. Macro would have to be played, output recorded and after that omitTag invoked. I'd rather do it otherwise.

There will not be any performance problems, the work can be done at script compile time AFAICS.


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