Le 10 déc. 04, à 17:29, Christopher Oliver a écrit :

...The funniest post of all was this http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-dev&m=110210971210386&w=2.

I mean, give me break. That is just plain silly....

Can't swallow this one without reacting, sorry - wrong tone, and there is a general consensus that JXTG needs refactoring, I find it very unfair of you to pick on Tony specifically.

Any 3000-lines java source file *is* scary in my book, detailed analysis would probably show that you code is indeed well structured, but looking at it as it is now is scary for many people, myself included.

You've been quiet for a while, people are willing to take over to ensure JXTG's future (because it's a great tool, we *are* thankful to you for this), they're doing their best and we're starting to see good things coming out of this.

So please respect their work - as much as we respect you and your work.


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