On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 03:06:20PM +0100, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> The current solution for adding own components to Cocoon is to
> (optionally) add the role to the cocoon.roles file and to add
> the component (configuration)to the global cocoon.xconf file. 
> What about providing the possibility to add components/roles on
> a per sitemap level? For example by providing a reference from
> within a sitemap in the map:components sections:
> <map:components roles-file="..." config-file="...">
>   ..
> </map:components>
> So all of these components are available in this sitemap and in
> all subsitemaps.
> Adding this (to 2.2) should be very easy and makes adding own
> stuff imho easier.
> (As a second step - but this is independent it would be possible to move all
> definitions of sitemap components into these files as well, leaving just the
> pipelines in a sitemap).

I like both ideas, because they allow more modular configuration.
It seems this may also help with virtual hosting via subsitemaps?
Could we allow live updates from changes made to the roles-file
and config-file like we do for changes to sitemaps?

--Tim Larson

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