Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:


A somewhat unrelated thing that we have to think about is the web continuations created in the block, do we need to shield the web continuations created in the block or not?

shielded from what? The user should be able to resume a continuation created by a called block. (I have the sense that I haven't understood your last paragraph completly ...)

Say that you have a flow script function "a" that goes through a number of forms in your block "A". During the execution of "a" a number of web continuations will be created in your continuation tree. You have a rule for handling this continuations in the sitemap in "A". Now if you use "a" from another block "B", the question is if "B" should be able to access the web continuations that are created in "A". My opinion is that it shoudn't because:

1. There is no need for it as The sitemap rules for handling the use references to these web continuations allready is in "A".
2. It breakes isolation as "B" can call objects (i.e. A's web continuations) that not are part of the exported functionallity.

It is AFAIU not particullary hard to implement this isolation. Let the the called block function "a" put its web continuations in an own web continuation sub tree.

The user will be able to resume continuations created in "a" but only through sitemap rules that are part of "A", which leads to better isolation.

Clearer now?

yes, thank you :-)

thank you!


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