I'm not 100% I understand what you are frustrated about: a) logkit b) the way log calls are coded c) documentation d) all the above?
See below.

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

I don't want to go into a bikeshedding war about logging but *EVERY SINGLE TIME* I install a cocoon application I have to completely rewrite the logging defaults.

Not tweak or improve: start over! And it's starting to piss me off.

It's insane the amount of crap that gets generated in the logs because the {throwable} clauses are all over the place... do we really think its useful to know each and every line that was involved in understanding that the sitemap didn't know how to process a URL?

You work on your application for a few minutes and you have a megabyte of crap: try to understand what's signal and what's noise.

Sure, it's configurable: there is a way to turn all that crap off, but:

1) logkit has the most unintuitive configuration schema ever imagined.

Then replace it with log4j. Just set an init parm in web.xml. We've talked about making that the default in 2.2 but haven't gotten agreement.

2) there is no centralized archive of the default logging channels used by the various parts of the system, so even if somebody wanted to do the filtering herself, there is no way unless looking into million lines of code

I'm not sure what you want. Are you upset because you don't know what logger names (aka category names) are being used?

3) some parts of the system (apples! slide!) get put there by default, no matter if I turn their blocks on or not.

I don't use those blocks, so I don't see it. If they are not wrapping their logging calls with an isEnabled type call then that is a bug and should be corrected.

Configurable is nice, but too much crap is not: it increases the noise and reduces the signal.

Now tell me, am I the only one frustrated by this?

Well, I'm not. I replaced logkit with my own framework :-)


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