Reinhard Poetz wrote:

This afternoon I've started to move some selected blocks:

- authentication-fw
- session-fw
- cron
- html

Cron and html are blocks don't require other blocks to build. Authentication-fw depends on session-fw. This will give me the chance to test my build system that will respect those relations. In my sense all those blocks are well supported by the community but making a decision whether they are supported, core or not was not my goal. We can discuss this later in a separate thread.

As those blocks are not under heavy development I don't expect (too many) problems. I have not tested yet what happens with local changes after the block is "mounted" using svn:external. Any experiences? If there are troubles we need some migration strategy (means code freeze).

Could some people pls report back whether there have been any problems on updates? (Escpecially be careful if you had changes in one of the four moved blocks. In this case, sorry for any inconveniences!)

Have you tried checking out the external references via http rather than https? Just want to be sure that they'll still work for non-committers using http.

Regards, Upayavira

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