Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Le 13 avr. 05, Ã 10:30, Upayavira a Ãcrit :

...2) What myself and Reinhard have conceived is a container for ALL docs. We need first of all to bring the reference docs across, and to scrap a lot of the crud that has built up over the years. That, I hope, will establish a foundation upon which we can build more howto and tutorial like docs...

Just a thought about this: we might want to keep the number of documents to a minimum to be able to maintain them over time, with our limited resources.

Well, you'd be surprised at the number of 'only-just-started' initiatives in our existing docs! They'll all be dying this time around!

We can always keep a number of documents as "legacy unvalidated docs" to give more weight to docs that we're able to maintain.

No, I'd just delete them. They're likely to confuse. We just want to give one, simple rendition of things, that, as you say, we stand some chance of maintaining.

I want it to be such that any new Cocoon developer, by the time they get to be a developer, have a decent understanding of the whole scope of the Cocoon docs (presumably because they were useful as they learnt Cocoon themselves). This way, they'll know how and where to extend in a way that maintains some unity.

And thanks Sebastien for your interest in this effort!

Yes, most definitely.

Regards, Upayavira

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