different people have different needs and different visions on how to develop applications. There is no right or wrong. The comparison at orbeons site may or may not be correct, but Erik and the developers over at Orbeon are trying to market their product. In doing that they made a comparison that, in my view, isnīt particularly objective. A lot of statements about cocoon have no description of the functionality or the possibilities, instead they focus on "Not recommended", "yes, but limited", "possible but not encouraged", "Undocumented. May be possible with TrAX."
To me this is pure marketing junk. :)
However, Erik has the right to voice his opinion on this list as has everyone else.
I may not agree with him and I believe most of his claims that Orbeon is a "better" tool than Cocoon are based on his subjective views and nothing else.

I certainly donīt want you to get offended by this mail, Erik.
I merely wanted to point that people have different perspectives on things, there are probably things that are great about Orbeon and there are probably things about Cocoon that suck.
However, a more in-depth comparison between the two would be interesting, maybe you could describe the process you used when you did your comparison?

Best regards,

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