
I stumbled onto a problem I've noticed before (Cocoon 2.1.5 I think). I
was under the impression it was solved,
but apparently not.

Situation is this: 
- SVN checkout of BRANCHES
- Build a form definition with 
 var success=true;
 return success;
<....widget definitions...., including <fd:validation><fd:javscript>
etc. ....>


- create a flowscript that handles the form:

function myForm() {
        var form = new Form(myformDef.xml);

- [1] set 
      <debugger>enabled</debugger> <!-- JavaScript Debugger support -->

in cocoon.xconf. 

- run cocoon
- start function -> nullpointer exception
- change [1] to 
      <!-- debugger>enabled</debugger --> <!-- JavaScript Debugger
support -->

- restart cocoon
- start function -> works fine

I've traced the code as far as the JavaScriptHelper.buildFunction (line
100). In the ctx.compileFunction lines I noticed that somewhere it
called the DebugReader, which could be the problem.

It would be nice if someone could fix this, so the Javascript debugger
is useful again.



Helma van der Linden
Medical Informatics
University Maastricht
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands

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