Luca Morandini wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Luca Morandini wrote:

Well, but I should be able to change the image's src attribute dynamically, wich is not allowed in action widget... right ?

Yes you can, as the image src is in the form template. Of course you have to use a dynamic template (e.g. JXTG):
 <ft:action id="map">
   <fi:styling type="image" src="images/${image_name}.jpg"/>

Sure, but I'd rather avoid using dynamic templates for otherwise static forms...

I see. However, I'm not sure that executing a template composed of near-static compiled SAX events is that much slower than a regular XML parser.

There's also the solution of a custom cforms styling stylesheet that could set this src attribute from a sitemap parameter.

morever, setting the image source from a action-handler flow script would be more elegant.

That's exactly what the ${image_name} is, e.g.:
 form.showForm("my-form-pipeline", {image_name : "map-" + areaId});


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies  
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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