> I think that they are many people around here that can do the 
> dirty job to create well formed files (xml, xhtml, etc) but 
> few that can write documentation.

Well, I think you might be wrong there in the numbers. I've seen a post,
at least once, where someone writes something like "I'd like to write,
but it's too much hassle to use the tools".

> I don't have check yet what you have do until know with 

Working with Daisy is as easy/complicated as working with the standard
Cocoon HTMLarea.

> Steven/Daisy but even wiki is enough if someone want to 
> "produce" content.

True. However, major advantage of Daisy is the fact that the docs are a
mixture of HTML and XML (i.e. XML docs with (X)HTML content), which is
more easily transformed into something that will ultimately end up in
the official docs. Ross Gardler is already working on a component to
automatically extract the content from a Daisy repository for reuse in
Another advantage: Daisy is "empty" so there is no confusion as to what
info is stale and what is fresh.

If you or anyone else wants write access to the Cocoon Handbook
(www.cocoondev.org/handbook), register yourself and ask Steven to give
you more permissions.

> Of course I'm not against anyone that want to develop a full 
> featured "doc" system.

Me neither, but in the 1.5 years that I'm now actively involved in
Cocoon I've seen at least 6 attempts (mine included) to
restructure/improve the docs and most of them ended with a discussion of
tools. So let's write content first and tools later.

Bye, Helma

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